- Located on 15 scenic acres in historic Warwick, NY, Splash Town is the only North America Diving Dogs (NADD) approved facility in the area, (see northamericadivingdogs.com) and hosts a 21’x41' Splash Pool filtered with a salt system. Our 8’x 40’ regulation dock is covered with premium non-slip artificial turf for safety and traction. Life jackets are available for all dogs new to water, or who need a little extra help to build confidence. A non-slip ramp allows dogs’ easy introduction to and exit from the pool, and gives humans easy access if they want to join their dogs in the water. Shady parking, sanitary facilities, and shade canopies help to make your visit to Splash Town one to write home about!
Things to do in Splash Town:
- Expose litters and young puppies to water, and observe early water aptitude
- Swimming lessons (puppies and dogs of any age)
- Swim for conditioning, weight loss, or just plain fun
- Dock diving group and individual practice sessions
- Try-its, training workshops, informal competitions, fundraisers, water fun
- Small classes -beginner through advanced
- Available for club meetings or events
- Five NADD events (Earn AKC recognized titles with NADD!)
- Pool rental with Facility approval
Tell us what you want to see in Splash Town!